5 May 2017

Discussion/Involvement in Section 106 agreements

We were told - by John Pollard, Leader of Cornwall Council and keen advocate of this planning application, amongst others - that there would be discussion on the Section 106 agreements. There has been none and no consultation of any sort. 

Please consider writing to your Cornwall Councillor - after they're elected today perhaps! - and planning@cornwall.gov.uk and George Eustice to ask them to look into this urgently before the Section 106 agreements are signed off and become legally binding.

We raised a lot of issues

  •  whether there will be a gateway feature and if so which side of the road (the original proposal was to block the village traffic in by the Chapel while ratrunners freely rand through the village)
  • whether there will be a footpath and if so where will it start and stop? It's a vitally important safety issue that the footpath doesn't channel children, bikes, buggies and pedestrians into the Chapel bottleneck
  • what the access to the development will be - if it's a roundabout with usual priority to the right the village traffic will be continually blocked by traffic emerging from the development causing tailbacks past the Chapel.access to the amenity area for the village - this needs to be as close to the Chapel as possible to make accessing it as safe as possible for Angarrack's children
  • confirmation of parking for the village and Community Centre and Chapel how will this be managed, accessed and organised
  • confirmation of use of the field for the village
  • how will the natural hedges of Marsh Lane be reinstated to ensure wildlife corridors for hedgehogs, bats, birds etc

If you have your own concerns please do let us know!

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